Bring on the Real World

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By Caroline Jager, Account Service Intern

My summer at Intermark is one to remember! It’s crazy to think that in 10 short weeks, seven strangers became tight-knit friends and accomplished so much. Every week of our internship presented us with new opportunities and challenges. My favorite week is the week we presented our summer’s work to Porsche USA.

We spent most of the summer doing research, gathering data and creating content for Porsche USA. Long hours and late nights went into producing our presentation. By the last week of our internship, it was crunch time. As the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect,” so we practiced, practiced, practiced with department heads and our intern managers until we felt prepared.

Midweek, we had the opportunity to present to the entire agency. This opportunity allowed us to showcase our hard work and get feedback from fresh eyes. It also served as a great way to shake off any last-minute public speaking nerves. Once we conquered the agency presentation, we felt confident and ready to present to Porsche.

The day of the presentation, our alarm clocks went off at 4:15 a.m., and we suited up and caravanned to Atlanta. Walking into Porsche USA’s headquarters was surreal. There was good nervous energy in all of us. We all presented our work with passion and enthusiasm. It was so encouraging to see our hard work come to fruition! Now, being an intern comes with its perks. After we presented, we each were treated to a ride around the experience track in a 911! Have you ever been whipped around a turn at 90 mph? Wow! Everyone got a kick out of the looks on our faces coming off the track.

I’m grateful that Intermark gave me a shot this summer; the friendships and memories I made are irreplaceable. Working for and presenting to such an iconic brand was exciting and provided real-life experience for us all. I’m sad to see the summer go, but because of this experience, I feel confident moving forward in my career. Bring on the real world!