Interactive Marketing Services

Our interactive division is known as Alloy and we are one of the largest digital agencies in the Southeast. Our staff is comprised of talented professionals who bring a blend of IT know-how and creativity to the table to generate measurable results. We have the staff, the tools and the experience to handle any digital project.

We create custom interactive solutions for companies of all sizes, ranging from local businesses to some of the most recognized household names in the USA. Website design, programming, mobile marketing, interactive kiosks…we develop innovative solutions that enable you to achieve your business goals through technology.

Website Design

Your company’s website is your window to the world, and it’s increasingly the first point of contact you will have with your consumers. Studies reveal that someone browsing your website will form a first impression of your company within about two-tenths of a second, and in under three seconds, they will decide whether or not to stay on your page or browse to the site of a competitor. Everything from the images you use to your navigation and scrolling features can impact the user experience and either encourage someone to learn more or cause them to hit that browser “back” button.

We use the latest in design principles and technology for website design, but take it a step further to understand behavioral targeting factors that influence digital activity so we can create sites that are user-friendly, engaging, and thoughtfully designed.


Looking for custom software? Our team can build a cloud-based web app that allows you to scale up as you grow by automating, digitizing, and simplifying daily processes or activities.


Consumers are on their smartphones, and every successful brand today needs to find ways to engage with consumers through those devices. We use the latest behavioral insights and consumer psychology trends to understand mobile browsing habits so we can create impactful digital experiences that go beyond the usual digital marketing tactics.


Technology today allows consumers to go far beyond passively watching a screen. We have built some of the most effective interactive experiences that immerse your audience in your brand. All of our designs are based on consumer psychology and behavioral marketing to pack a memorable punch and drive brand recognition and loyalty.

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