The Psychology of Advertising and Sales

Digital Psychology

The Psychology of Advertising and Sales

Marketers are often tasked with the challenge of estimating the long term impact of marketing and advertising on sales. This is a difficult question of course, with many factors coming into play including the size of the brand, advertising spend, competitors advertising spend, the advertised message, and more.

Creative is the Key to Marketing Effectiveness

Marketing effectiveness experts, on behalf of Cannes Lions and WARC, recently analyzed and compared thousands of campaigns that were submitted for the highest marketing awards.

What to Do When Your Customers Aren’t Shopping

A recent study by the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute of Marketing Science found that only 5% of big ticket item shoppers are in the market at any given time. This finding points out a big difference between the way consumers think about high involvement purchases.

5 Keys to Advertising Effectiveness

There are a lot of important considerations marketers need to keep in mind to ensure that their advertisements are effective at shaping perception and creating sales. These considerations generally vary in their effectiveness, so we’ve pinpointed five key consideration for making great effective ads.

Your Brand in the Mind of the Customer

When we talk about “brand” we’re often talking about the perceptions that our customers or audiences have about our product. And as marketers, we understand that the customer’s perception is shaped by many factors, like the logo, the packaging, the advertising, and the experience surrounding the product.

Don’t Forget The Middle of the Marketing Funnel!

Some new research from Google Media Labs came out reminding us about an important part of the marketing funnel that often gets overlooked, and that’s the middle of the funnel, or the “messy middle”, as they refer to it.

Why We Pay Attention to TV

Marketers are keenly interested in the amount of attention received by their advertisements, yet they’re also aware that attention is difficult or sometimes impossible to measure.

How the Availability Heuristic Hurts Your Marketing Strategy

As marketers, it’s critical that we’re able to get an accurate read on customer behavior and customer psychology.

What Do Influencers Look Like in 2021?

Influencer marketing has increased in popularity over the last ten years along with the increased use of social media platforms. But does it make sense to talk about influencer marketing the same way today as we did a few years ago?

Consumer Psychology and Google’s New Search Algorithm Update

In the latest news, we’ve learned about yet another change to the Google algorithm that we can look forward to. The update was originally scheduled to be rolled out in May, but it’s now extended out to mid June.