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How Tribal Psychology Drives Modern Human Behavior

April 28, 2023 @ 12:00 AM CT

Tribal psychology is becoming increasingly salient to consumers. Over the last few years, the age-old adage “when it rains it pours” has never felt more true. During times of instability, there is a greater need to belong and feel connected to those around us, and this has consumers looking for the safety and security of being part of a group. 

Watch the webinar below where we explored how people’s awareness of their own mortality can affect their need for belonging and connection with others. We also took a deep dive into the research in social psychology to explain how individuals seek out social groups or “tribes” that provide a sense of identity and purpose, particularly in times of uncertainty or crisis. Finally, we also discussed how businesses and brands can tap into this need for belonging by creating products, services, and marketing campaigns that emphasize shared values and community.

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